Below is a list of the materials I currently like to use to create my drawings and paintings. I dont have any affiliate links or sponsorship - so these are purely my recommendations.
For Drawing
Paper: Winsor and Newton Bristol Board
An amazingly smooth quality paper that is perfect for distinct lines and can take a fair amount of rubbing out!
Pencils: Tombow - Mono 100
These are a great set of pencils and provide a really smooth finish. I have a set of 12 ranging from 4H thorugh to 6B
Rubbers: Derwent; Feber Castell, Tombow and Staedtler
I dont think it matters too much on the rubber, people prefer the different types you can get. I use different rubbers depending on the type of drawing i am doing - for a basic sketch / large rubbing out I used a Derwent or a sharp edge from a plain plastic rubber. Faber Castell putty rubber if i am looking to get a softer feel or only want to remove part of the line or shaded area. And finally the one i use the most is a Tombow zero 2.3 which allows for very precise removal of lines.
Stumps: Derwent
Wehn i am looking for a soft feel to the drawing i use stumps - Derwent are my go-to.
Fixative: Delacroix
I always used fixatives on my drawings and use Delacroix.